Wellness For Life

What is Wellness For Life?

It is my hope that this section of the website is devoted to help as many people as will read to be encouraged in your own journey for wellness in your life.  This page strives to offer a stage for input from our many brothers and sisters in Christ from their respective expertise in wellness:  Tips to best care for our furry friends, healthy cooking tips and recipes, pearls of parenting wisdom, exercise and diet tips, important things to know about your health from a physician or a mental health counselor, even tips for financial wellness.  Whether professionals or lay people, our congregation at Christ Lutheran Indy seeks to bless our community with a renewed appreciation for health and the fullness and joy of life in Christ.

Jesus the true vine nourishes and feeds us in body and soul, providing a foretaste of the eternal life that awaits us with Him.

Unless the Lord returns first, we know in this fallen world that our bodies will break down and in one way or another will die.  Yet though our bodies waste away, we are as Christians being nourished by Jesus. In the meantime we are given this amazing calling to be His ambassadors on earth, to tell others the good news of salvation through Christ.  And it is no surprise that our health has a great impact on our ability to live our lives to the fullest in His name.      

As a pastor and licensed mental health counselor I have the opportunity to witness what wide spectrum we can have in this fallen world between health and sickness.  I am exceedingly grateful for the opportunity my career path has given me for insight into the many factors that contribute to health.  I have seen my life and my family life blessed through the foundation of our faith in Christ. 

Part of the foundation of faith in Christ in my life has been recognizing my own limits as a created creature. I need rest and enough sleep each day. I need healthy real food to eat, not just processed food.  I crave exercise, sunshine, healthy challenges in life, accomplishments and rewards.  I need recreation and play, and beauty in my life – loving and supportive relationships are a must.  

I pray your life in Christ is healthy.  I hope you will continue to follow this site for tips and thoughts about wellness for life.  -Pastor Fuller