What does it mean to trust in and rely on the protection of a shepherd? What would it be like to be a sheep out in the countryside somewhere? As a woolly fuzzy, simple sheep, what would it be like to have someone watch out for dangers and even anticipate ahead of time what protections and safeguards need establishing? What would it be like to look up to a shepherd and be guided by a large hook in the right direction from time to time?
As a wooly, simple minded sheep, what would it be like to hear and learn and recognize what the voice of the shepherd sounds like- To know intimately the voice of the shepherd, and to mistrust and hold skepticism of the voice of a stranger?!
If only we could know what a sheep really thinks and how a sheep sees the world. If only… Or do we know more about what it means to be led by the protection of a shepherd than we realize?
We ourselves have been called to be watched over through Jesus our Chief shepherd. Our Chief Shepherd lays out for us a rich pasture in which we can live in His Kingdom, guided to safety and led by the purest of sounds- his living voice revealed to us in God’s Word.
There are a few ways we differ from actual sheep. Unlike sheep, for better or for worse we have choices, many choices. We can choose to follow in our Shepherd’s guidance and we can choose to delight in all of the protections He has established for us. We can choose to share the Shepherd’s teaching with those we care about and find encouragement in the faith and trust other sheep also have for Our Shepherd.
Unfortunately we can also make ourselves to be Shepherds of our own making and listen to no one else – not even Jesus. When we make this choice we may even expect that others listen to our voice instead of listening to the voice of the Good Shepherd.
If we should be enticed by a voice with seductive promises, we can follow the voice of many others besides Jesus. Unlike real sheep, we can make quick switches of allegiance. One day we are ready to listen to the voice of our Chief Shepherd, and another day our ears may not be as ready to listen.
Ultimately we really have one type of choice, one important question to answer- are we ready and willing to trust in the voice of our Shepherd? Can we trust in the safety of the Shepherd’s protection? Which pastures will we choose to remain in to spend our days grazing in?
The great thing about trusting in the protection of the Savior is the more we listen to his voice, the more natural it is to follow. It is like developing well worn tracks in which to drive through. The more you listen to the voice of Jesus, the more attuned your ears are to hear His voice- the more it fits right into your life.
The more we hear God’s Word, the more we recognize that our Shepherd’s voice is not just theories and ideals to live by, not just rules and regulations that we try to follow to the best of our abilities, but the purpose and joy of our life itself.
If you know the voice of the Shepherd, if you recognize it, you are safe. The more familiar we are with our Shepherd’s voice, the stranger in our ears is the sound of the thief. Knowing the sound of the shepherd’s voice is the great privilege of the church.
As I think about how we recognize the sound of our Lord’s voice, I am reminded of one of the great inventions of our modern times devoted to helping us recognize the sound of a voice… the baby monitor. How great to have every giggle and sigh and moment of laughter transmitted into your bedroom in the evening after bedtime. Every single cry and scream and protest that babies naturally make from time to time amplified by a 9 volt transmitter into your bedroom.
For if your baby girl is going to wake you up at night, you might as well hear the full impact of her cry as if you were inches away from her young vibrant vocal cords- so as to appreciate how much she wants to see you. But of course we don’t really need baby monitors at all.
The truth is, parents can have an amazing ability to wake up in response to the slightest voice or cry of a child. Out of love parents are tuned in to the sound of their children’s voice- even if through a few walls. Would that our ears were just as finely tuned to hear the voice of God’s Word every chance we get.
The thief may try to make his voice sound even sweeter than the Shepherd. The thief loves it whenever we start to wonder if another voice will come along that will sound sweeter. Because that’s when he has a foothold with us. It’s a shame that the allure of Satan’s offer to us should ever seem appealing, considering that what we have in Christ is already so beautiful.
Jesus taught the disciples: “If anyone who comes in through me, he will be saved and go in and find pasture.”
Pasture provided by God is the greenest of all pasture. Pasture is room to grow and thrive as God intended for us! Green pasture leads to fulfillment, contentment, joy!
Jesus described how he is the only door to this pasture. To enter the sheepfold of His kingdom is the most important thing we can ever do in life. Our faith is more than something that we learn the basics in Sunday school and confirmation class. There is more than learning how it is that we are saved through faith and thinking ‘I will leave it at that.’
Once we enter the door through our Savior we have green pastures to mature and thrive in.
When I was approaching college graduation, I was at a point in my life when I considered my faith and my relationship with God to be quite healthy. I remember reading God’s Word at my parents house and having the thought, “What more is there to learn about my faith?”. I felt a certain disappointment, “Now what?”
I had no idea about how faith means so much more than a mindset and knowledge. I had no idea how much I had yet to learn about living out my faith through career and family and many types of relationships.
Now I can’t imagine a time where I ever would ask “now what”, to believe that there is no growth left to occur, now potential to live up to.
Our faith can continue to develop through every season and stage in life. The more we are conformed to Christ, the greater our joy.
Jesus provides us in His Church green pastures in which to learn from one another, and even challenge one another. Proverbs 27:17 declares: “Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another.” Part of the green pasture our Chief Shepherd has provided to us are faithful brothers and sisters in Christ all around us to refine our faith.
We can grow so much more walking with brothers and sisters in Christ then we can on our own. Sometimes we think of church as something we do with family. But even as we have family that we belong to we also have in a congregation a larger family in which to find nurture and belonging. May the Lord of the Church shepherd us to the green pastures he has prepared from us since the beginning.