No turning back from the path to the cross

A story is told of when King George V of Britain paid a visit to the city of Leeds, England. Elaborate preparations were made for his coming. Excited crowds filled the streets to wave and cheer. There was a large elementary school in Leeds with a playground parallel to the railway line.  His majesty agreed to wave to the boys and girls as the royal train passed by on the last day of his visit. The boys and girls crowded to the playground wall  overlooking the railway. Soon the train moving slowly , emerged from a long tunnel and gradually drew alongside the playground. Then the king himself emerged from the royal coach and stood on a small platform where all could see him.

He wore no purple crown or purple robe but was dressed in a plain suit, just like an ordinary man. From his jacket pocket he plucked a bright handkerchief with which he waived to the cheering children. All too soon the train glided by and disappeared. Then the cheers subsided into silence, except for one little girl who was crying. One of the teachers asked her why she was crying. The little girl said that she wanted to see the king and all she saw was a man.

When the crowds saw Jesus ride into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, they saw a man- a man who was dressed and looked as ordinary as any other man. Yet this was no cause for disappointment.  For it was no ordinary man who was riding into Jerusalem that day. It was the King of Kings, who became man to save us human beings.  His purpose entering Jerusalem was not to wow the crowds with his majesty, but instead his resolute purpose was to die. He knew that once he entered the gates of Jerusalem there was no turning back.

In our gospel lesson Andrew and Phillip talk to Jesus about some Greeks who wish to see Jesus. Jesus answers as if this request is only about curiosity of those who want to see the majesty of a king. He answers the two disciples: “The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified.  Jesus also reveals his state of mind on the brink of his betrayal:

 27 “Now is my soul troubled. And what shall I say? ‘Father, save me from this hour’? But for this purpose I have come to this hour. When Jesus entered Jerusalem he knew the hour was at hand, he knew there was no turning back now.

Brothers and sister in Christ, there is no turning back now. Today is Palm Sunday and we see that there is no turning back from the course Jesus set his face toward. Following the entrance into Jerusalem is always the sequence of events that leads to the cross. 

For Judas, once Satan had entered into him, there was no turning back from his intention to betray Jesus.  He already took the 30 pieces of silver, he already set in motion an apparent final scene for Jesus to face in Jerusalem during Passover week.

Jesus for his part knew what was in man, he knew emptiness and evil is in the heart of mankind, he knew the suffering and punishment that awaited him. There was no turning back, because he was faithful.

We hear in our Old testament lesson from Isaiah a conversation of the Son to the Father. The Lord God has given me  the tongue of those who are taught, that I may know how to sustain with a word him who is weary.  

Jesus became man, he took on the tongue of those who are taught by God, he became the same as us. He did this so that his words would be words we knew and understood, so they would sustain us in our weariness.

 Morning by morning the Son has his ears awakened to hear from the Father. This is a description of  the Son learning the scripture day by day. Jesus learned the scriptures and the Father’s will for Him.

Jesus is obedient to this will that he should suffer at the hands of sinful men- “The Lord God has opened my ear, and I was not rebellious; I turned not backward.” The obedience of the Son is so great that he gives his back to those who strike, and his cheek he leaves unprotected. As the disciples were taught “But if anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also.” 

But this suffering ordained by the Father is never without purpose.  All through it the Son indicates: “The Lord God helps me, therefore I have set my face like a flint, and I know I shall not be put to shame.”

The Son is steadfast in his obedience and his determination because he knows that the Lord’s help is with him through it all. It is just as the gospel of Luke records about Jesus: “When the days drew near for him to be taken up, he set his face to go to Jerusalem.”

The Son declares: “I know I shall not be put to shame, He who vindicates me is near. Behold the Lord God helps me; who will declare me guilty?” The Son is not afraid of the accusations of Satan the ancient foe. He says: “Let us stand together” This means let us face each other one on one, let us stand in court and let the chips fall where they may, for the Father will vindicate the Son and declare Him perfectly righteous and without fault.

There is no turning back now because we follow this Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. We seek to abide in Him and grow in Him, we seek spiritual maturity. Because to go back to old ways of sin would be to disown him. Here on Palm Sunday, it is especially clear that there is no going back, Jesus has called us to follow him.  Jesus has called us to maturity in our faith.

This is the Father’s will that we achieve a maturity of faith.  That is why the Holy Spirit inspired St. Paul to write: Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.

Often in our Christiana faith we want only the glory of God as found in the Transfiguration, or in the Triumphal entrance into Jerusalem, and then the joy of Easter.  But if that is all we see, we miss our salvation.

Forgiveness and eternal life look also like the rest of Holy Week. A weakened body and a bloody man, his back shredded by the whip that plows out furrows of flesh with each lash.  Do we see this as part of the story of our salvation too?  

If you miss Maundy Thursday and Good Friday, you will think less often of the betrayal of Jesus, and the suffering of Jesus, you may not see how he emptied himself and humbled himself to suffer in our place.  But there is no going back for the mature Christian, you need to continue the story, you should see the road of sorrows Jesus walked, the via dolorosa.

Let us listen to the warning Jesus gave in our gospel lesson after he taught the hour had come for the Son of man to be lifted up: “The light is among you for a little while longer. Walk while you have the light, lest darkness overtake you. The one who walks in the darkness does not know where he is going. 36While you have the light, believe in the light, that you may become sons of light.”

Let us walk with Jesus while the day is still at hand

Brothers and sisters in Christ, here in this fourth Sunday of Lent we are blessed with an abundance of themes about light triumphing over darkness. From our Epistle lesson:  for at one time you were darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light.

From our Old Testament reading:  And I will lead the blind  in a way that they do not know, in paths that they have not known I will guide them. I will turn the darkness before them into light, the rough places into level ground.  These are the things I do, and I do not forsake them.

And last but not least from our gospel reading: We must work the works of him who sent me while it is day; night is coming, when no one can work. 5As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world.”

In the scripture darkness does not only mean evil, but also being lost and not getting anywhere, darkness is futility. And as we will see as we dive further into our gospel reading from John chapter 9, people in darkness are often not aware that anything is even wrong. This is because darkness in the scripture means going without the light of God’s truth, it is living in a constant lie and deception.

Likewise in the scripture light means more than just goodness and freedom from the bondage of evil. Light also means knowledge of truth. To walk in light is to walk in knowledge of God’s Word, following God’s law instead of the rule of sin.

Psalm 36 describes that we see because God first gives us light as a gift of his steadfast love.  “For with you is the fountain of life; in your light do we see light.”  We see because God gives us the light of his truth. When we try to find clarity and purpose in our lives outside of the purpose in God’s Word, when we try to light our own path, we are only walking in the darkness of our sin.

In our gospel lesson Jesus is asked about a man born blind from birth, if his sin or his parent’s sin led to this disabling blindness from the start in this man’s life.  But Jesus corrects their line of questioning in trying to always find someone to blame for sin. He gives them the light of God’s truth to see how foolish it is to look for reasons why others deserve afflictions and why we don’t.

The disciples are caught up in  the question of what went wrong for the man born blind, and Jesus turns their attention from the man’s blindness to his healing mercy. Jesus made mud with his saliva and anointed the man’s eyes with this healing mud. He commanded the man to cleanse himself in the nearby pool of Siloam. The result is that the man came back seeing for the first time in his life. Jesus came to take away the spiritual darkness of the world, and what better way to show that then the sight he gave to this man born blind.

Greater than the gift of restored sight, Jesus gave the blind man the gift of an amazing sign that pointed to the fact that Jesus is the Son of God.  Every time the man woke up in the morning he opened his eyes to what for so many years was darkness.  Everything he saw, was a testimony to the blessing Jesus gave to him.     

The man’s role as a living witness to the light of Christ continued as word of what he reported about Jesus spread and the Pharisees sought after him for questions.  The Pharisees wanted to use the man to somehow testify against Jesus.  But he had nothing negative to say about Jesus.   

He simply shrugged off any accusations that were made against Jesus by pointing out: ‘all I know is that I was blind and now I see.’ 

After this and other clear statements about Jesus they reject him and cast him out of their sight.  They jeer at him “You were born in utter sin.”

The Pharisees assumption in this thinking is that you get what you deserve.  Those who have blessings in life must have deserved them and those hardships likewise must deserve the punishment of misfortune.  Many in our culture believe this today as well in the form of a belief in karma- what goes around comes around. 

In fact we ourselves can fall into this blindness as well, as it is easy to adopt some of the common sense assumptions of Karma, that if we do the right things in life it will go well with us, and if not we will pay the price.  This thinking can lead us to the blind delusion that we can secure our own salvation in life through making the right choices.

But this is not how God works.  Jesus quickly denies any thinking about personal sin as the cause of inherited misfortune for the man born blind or anyone else.  God gives us gifts not according to what we have earned, not according to some universal law of karma- but instead from the foundation of his steadfast love.   

We heard in our Introit, “My eyes are ever toward the LORD, for he will pluck my feet out of the net.”  Although this man was born blind, he looked to Jesus in faith. He followed Jesus’ instructions to go and wash, and he spoke the truth of what Jesus had done for him. His eyes were now toward the LORD because Jesus had delivered him both from his blindness of his eyes and the blindness of his sins.

We all know the hymn Amazing Grace.  “I once was lost, but now am found, was blind and now I see.”  How beautiful when God’s Word lifts the darkness of our lives with the light of Jesus.  How beautiful when we repenting of our sins that weigh us down and cloud our vision, we see New Life in Jesus!   

Our Lord spoke to the disciples about how he had come to do far more than restore sight to one blind man- but instead to over take the spiritual darkness of this world with his light.

We must work the works of him who sent me while it is day; night is coming, when no one can work. As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world.”

In this world there are always those who reject the light. In fact we are surrounded by those who live in the darkness of this world and in spiritual blindness. People will always cast doubt and skepticism on what is good and what is of God’s design and purpose for this world.

We heard in our gospel reading the sad irony of the darkness the Pharisees lived in, where they point to their own false righteousness and point at the sins of others. They try to look at apparent circumstances such as the fact that the man was born blind, and they give their theological interpretation that this was a punishment for his sin.

The same self righteousness is at work today when someone looks at the church in pessimism and says, look at all of the hypocrisy and failed lives people have in the church.  People conclude the church has nothing godly in it, that it is not the light of the world- that they are as much a light to the world than anyone else, that their darkness should be celebrated.

The restoration of sight to the man born blind was an undeniable miracle. Nobody would pretend to be blind his whole life until adulthood. The Pharisees take the most clear and apparent sign you can imagine that Jesus is sent from God, and they try to cast doubt, they cannot believe he was really born blind so that they ask to talk with his parents.

This is the same thing those who live in darkness do. They claim the world is billions of years old because they are unwilling to see the clear evidence of creation all around us, or listen about the six days of recorded in Genesis. They cast doubt on the origins of the books of the Bible, as if other writings were rejected by the church in a conspiracy to advance one version of the truth and suppress another.   

Even within the church people trivialize God’s Word and hand pick which things they want to be true teaching of God, and which teaching in the scripture that they want to call merely past cultural practices that we have evolved past. As a result, you can find erring church bodies permitting and condoning all kinds of immorality and evil that the scripture clearly speaks against.  

Still others hold beliefs about being a Christian that separate them from the light and truth of God’s Word because they don’t believe Christian faith is meant to be manifested through a church. They see church as part of society and their own private study of the Bible as a more pure practice of the faith.

This pride leads to all kinds of walking in darkness as it means doing what is right in your own eyes without the correction or guidance of a pastor and fellow members of the body of Christ. And most importantly it means rejecting the way in which Jesus has designed to come to us in Word and Sacraments in the gifts of worship.

Jesus is the light of the world, and that which leads us away from his truth leads us into darkness. To follow in the light of Jesus is walking a road less traveled in this world. It takes courage and it takes faith to keep our eyes open to the truth of God’s Word.  Together let us walk this path, let us walk in the light. Amen.

This Lent see Jesus clearly as our life and salvation- raised up for us.

What do you see when you look at the cross? Do you see that God loves you and that in Jesus you have your salvation? Or do you see in the cross a standard of living life that you cannot live up to? Are you like Nicodemus, seeking to find just the right direction for how to live your life?  Trying to figure out how you can control things just right to get the life you want?

Lent is a time to look to Jesus and see the beauty of the LORD. The Gradual verse for the season of Lent comes from Hebrews “Come let us fix our eyes on Jesus the author and perfector of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross despising the shame and is seated at the right hand of God.” 

What is the beauty of the LORD? The beauty is in Jesus’ selfless love toward us.  The beauty is seen in the bloody and gory picture of the Son of God humbled to the point of death on the cross. The beauty is not that we as the church are so twisted that we elevate images of blood and gore- but it is what Jesus’ suffering represents that allows us to see him lifted up on the cross, and gaze on the beauty of the LORD.

In our gospel lesson Jesus helps Nicodemus to see that if you want to see God’s kingdom you need to stop looking to yourself and look for what God reveals to you of His mercy.

Nicodemus came to Jesus looking for understanding of what he was seeing from Jesus- he wanted to know how Jesus performed these signs.  Jesus catches him off guard by telling him that in order to see the kingdom of God he must be born from above.

Jesus was teaching him about Baptism as a summary of what it means to receive spiritual life by the power of the Holy Spirit. Nicodemus does not get it, he is looking for much more tangible explanations, things he can see. He wants to visualize the need to be born again to where he protests that you cannot re-enter your mother’s womb.

Nicodemus is fixed on those things that humans can accomplish and he struggles to understand the work of the Spirit which you cannot see.  In his quest for understanding what Jesus is teaching, Nicodemus does not need to use human reason and logic to learn how to do what sounds impossible.

Instead, all he needs to do is listen to Jesus and let him show how the impossible is made possible.  Although Nicodemus cannot picture being born again, he can see Jesus.  He can listen as Jesus tells him about how life in the kingdom works, as Jesus proclaims to the world that he is the Son of God.

Jesus references that he must be lifted up- just as Moses was instructed to lift up the serpent in the wilderness. Jesus is talking about the deliverance the Lord offered to the people of Israel after their disobedience. The people of Israel grew impatient along the journey to the promised land. They questioned Moses why they even were there.

“Did you bring us out into the wilderness only to die? We were better off in Egypt in slavery to Pharaoh.”  They were ungrateful for the food that the LORD provided for them. After a period of time they began to say of the Manna “We loathe this worthless food.”

You can hear this account as simply part of Israel’s history and part of the background for today’s gospel lesson. But there is more. This narrative account of the history of Israel tells us something important about Nicodemus and about us.  As Nicodemus approached Jesus to talk to him at night- looking for answers, and as we approach our life each day- it is of greatest importance how we see things.

In the book of Numbers the people saw only their own complaints and did not see the deliverance that was right before them. In not seeing the promise of deliverance, in ignoring the promise of a Savior the people departed significantly from God’s favor. They were lost in their sin.

We see from the book of Numbers that the punishment for their sin was quick and severe. The LORD sent fiery serpents among the people and the bites were killing the people. This is a terrifying picture of the consequences of sin. The pain and the fear the people experienced was unbearable so that they asked Moses to pray to the LORD to take away the serpents.

There in the wilderness the people could no longer pretend they could save themselves. When they complained to Moses they thought they could make things better for themselves, but now they saw fully how perilous the journey is without the LORD’s help. 

The LORD was merciful to them and provided a unique means of deliverance. Moses was commanded to make an image of the very fiery serpent that was killing the people and put it on a pole, and simply looking at this bronze serpent the one who was bit would not die but instead live.

The bronze serpent, the image of the people’s punishment for sin would by God’s grace serve as the people’s deliverance. What looked like a graven image commemorating the destruction of the people was by God’s grace a symbol of their salvation.

This is how the Lord deals with us, his love and faithfulness turns our greatest failures into instances of our salvation. 

Jesus on the cross is a visual representation of the price of the sin of the whole world. And looking at Jesus’ death on the cross in faith we live.

At that time from an uninformed earthly perspective Jesus as the Son of God could be seen as someone who has come to be the instrument of our destruction. This would be the punishment you would expect for our sin. If anyone has a reason to destroy us, it would be the Son of God.

Yet God did not come to condemn the world, but God loved the world in this way, that he gave his Son that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.

As Jesus was raised on the cross, naked, bloodied and humiliated, his suffering was the greatest reason yet to condemn the world. But instead, just like the serpent on the pole, the symbol of man’s disobedience to God became the symbol of God’s salvation for the world.

In faith and trust we look to this symbol in faith- day in and day out, until the time at last when Jesus takes us home. Just as we sang in the hymn Lord Thee I Love with All my Heart. “That these with joy my eyes may see, O Son of God Thy glorious face, my Savior and my fount of grace.”

In the meantime we have our brothers and sisters to care for, and to encourage that they also look at Jesus not as the one who comes in terror as the King of Kings, but kind and good with healing in His wings.  

Like Nicodemus we are still prone to look at God’s Work in the world wrongly, to miss seeing Him rightly. Hearing God’s Word, receiving His gifts in worship can become an aspect of life that we undervalue. As if we are just going through the motions.

We need to pray for ourselves and for our brothers and sisters in Christ, that they do not take their eyes of Jesus, or begin to see worship as a chore in the manner in which the people of Israel began to see the manna from heaven.

If faith should become a chore, all of a sudden people are looking to themselves instead of the Lord. All of a sudden decisions in life are made that separate more and more from God.

Think of how many people have grown up and learned God’s Word in this very place, who stopped attending worship, who said no thank you to the Lord’s promises in the gospel, no thank you- I will have a go at it on my own.

What dark and empty paths has Satan led people on who allow church to just be a background part of life, and make life decisions according to what is popular in our culture- who live life as if God’s Word has not changed anything in their life. 

As the church we mourn how commonplace it is for people to take their eyes of Jesus and his life giving cross and go after the sorrows of this world.  We mourn the heartache and sorrow that comes to our brothers and sisters in Christ as a result of lives devoted to sin and a lost sight of Jesus.

May this mistake not be so common among us. Like Psalm 121 celebrates: “I lift up my eyes to the hills. From where does my help come? My help comes from the LORD who made heaven and earth.”  Indeed as we fix our eyes on Him and he will keep us from all evil.

Jesus changes the equation for our salvation

In math class you learn laws of equations. You learn from algebra that if you know the value of A and C then you can figure out B. It always works the same way, The value of one variable can always be figured out if you know the other two.

In our Epistle reading today, in St. Paul’s letter to the Romans we hear about values as sure as math, related to the effect of sin in the world.  Here the equation is as follows, One man’s sin, Adam’s Sin led to the spread of sin to where all men are destined for death. The one affected the many for the worse.

The sin of Adam equates to death. The sin of Adam spreads to us and we sin. Our sin equates to our death.  Adam and Eve’s sin separated them from God. It is not good for man to be alone.  Adam traded the blessed unity with God for disobedience. No good at all- in fact tragic.  

As descendants of Adam we carry this same curse of disobedience from God and as a result we are separated from each other and we are separated from God. Sin plus disobedience plus isolation equates to more disobedience, more aloneness and eventually death.  Romans teaches that death spread to all men because all sinned.

“Yet death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over those whose sinning was not like the transgression of Adam,” 

A closer look at Genesis chapter three shows there is more than just the curse of death caused by sin- but also that as punishment for sin Eve’s pain will be multiplied in child bearing and that her desire will be to resist and fight the leadership of her husband.  By these condemnations all families encounter the reality that marriage and family life is harder than what God designed by an exponential factor.

Today we see how devastating dysfunction in marriage and family life is to our society. Conflicts and failed relationships serve as the chief contributor to crime, confusions about gender identity, and statistical trends about future generations attending church less and knowing the faith less and less.  The equation for family life looks so futile because of sin.

To Adam God diminished the effectiveness of our labors. God cursed the ground because of Adam’s disobedience to where his labors would bring forth thorns and thistles and much hard work.

    We see the equation of futility of labors on a daily basis. If you pay the rent one month, it may prove harder to pay it the next month. If you sleep well one night you may not sleep well the next.

There are so many labors required to keep up with demands of life and health that the equation seems to be all work and no play. Too much sorrow and too little joy.

Genesis chapter three contains a record of not only man’s failure, but also God’s faithfulness.  God provided for Adam and Eve a promise in the form of the condemnation of the serpent. God did not leave Adam and Eve into the serpent’s possession. Although death would now reign, Satan and his offspring would not reign over man and control man and own man on account of the deception in the garden of Eden.

Instead the LORD promised to put enmity between the offspring of Satan and the offspring of man. Man would see Satan as the enemy, and rest secure in the promise that one of his offspring would crush Satan’s head. The promise was made, Satan’s defeat was ordained by God.

When this offspring of Adam, our Lord Jesus Christ faced Satan, he was not captures by  the same trick of deception. In the wilderness as Jesus was fasting and praying- joined inseparably with the Father and the Holy Spirit, Satan tries what worked against Adam and Eve, he starts misquoting God’s Word. But it is to no avail, Jesus resists temptation.

On the cross Jesus overcame the fiercest temptation of Satan. In perfect obedience to the Father Jesus fulfilled the Father’s will to die on the cross for our salvation- paying the penalty of our sins. Jesus crushed Satan’s head. 

The math equation unlike that of our sin and disobedience. The righteousness of Jesus, plus the Father’s perfect love equates to the resurrection of Jesus. The perfect obedience of Jesus and the resurrection of Jesus leads to the gift of life to all.

15 But the free gift is not like the trespass. For if many died through one man’s trespass, much more have the grace of God and the free gift by the grace of that one man Jesus Christ abounded for many.

This is the truth of our salvation, the blessing is far greater than the curse.  It is not just the curse of sin and death that Jesus’ obedience lifts, but Jesus also with his righteousness restores us to the image of God, he brings us back to paradise. He changes the direction of our life from condemnation to salvation. The equation has been turned on its head for our benefit.

18 Therefore, as one trespass led to condemnation for all men, so one act of righteousness leads to justification and life for all men. 19 For as by the one man’s disobedience the many were made sinners, so by the one man’s obedience the many will be made righteous.

One man’s righteousness makes the many righteous. With the equation of our life changed we live each day in courage and in hope.  We face the attacks of Satan knowing that we never need to face these attacks alone.  

Although Jesus faced the temptation of Satan alone and prevailed, we cannot do this. We need to have others by our side.  As the Hymn “A Mighty Fortress celebrates”… “He’s by our side upon the plain, with His good gifts and Spirit.”

With Jesus by our side the equations of life are changed so that we can resist temptation. With Jesus we can put on the full armor of God.   The Lord’s Supper is his armor, Holy Baptism is His Armor, His Word is the armor. The unity we have in the body of Christ is our armor.  

We need all of these defenses because our fallen world brings struggles from all sides, and nobody who is alone and exposed can survive these attacks.

When King David conspired to have Uriah the husband of Bathsheeba killed, he commanded his army to go into battle with Uriah in the front line and then have everyone else draw back, leaving him tragically exposed to attack from all sides.

In the same way a man who does not put on the armor of God is vulnerable to attacks from all sides.  

Our society plays into Satan’s playbook when it says- seek this and seek that and you will feel better. Consumer choices reinforce the illusion that you can be self sufficient on your own with the right products to brighten your day. As if modern life has somehow learned how to circumvent the curse of strained family life and the futile labors of the ground.

In humbling ourselves we see the addition that comes through subtraction, when I have less wisdom of the world, when I have less distractions, then I have more room for God’s Word. And with God’s Word I have the church, the body of Christ, with God’s Word in my life I am not alone, the comfort and consolation of other believers is with me. Lent is a time to recognize the playbook Satan seeks to use on us, and renewing our commitment to looking to God’s Word.

Jesus deflected the attacks of Satan by quoting God’s Word- the ultimate equation for truth in our life. “Man shall not live by bread alone… but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.”

May the Lord grant us steadfast hope , faith and trust in His design for us in the Christ Jesus our Lord. Amen.

Righteousness is as deep as the heart

Today in worship we hear once again from our Lord’s teachings on the Sermon on the Mount. This far into Matthew chapter 5 we are past introductory comments and definitions of what it means to be a follower of Jesus and who we are to the world as his disciples. Now we are into the heart of the sermon, and its teaching over the life of discipleship. Just in time for Valentines day, Jesus is speaking about the heart. He confronts us with the sin that is in our hearts, and the folly of trying to live up to God’s Commandments with only keeping up exterior appearances. 

When Jesus says you have heard that it was said to those of old- he is not speaking specifically about the scripture, but rather the interpretations of scripture made by scribes and pharisees who have prided themselves on being experts on keeping God’s law. “You have heard that it was said, but I say to you” Jesus is teaching that it may be popular to talk about keeping the commandments in terms of what you need to do to get by- but he is here to tell us now that there is a proper way to understand the commandments that has to do with not only outward actions, but what is in your heart.  

If you don’t murder anyone or say anything in public against anyone- then nobody will see the hate in your heart you have toward one of your brothers. If you don’t commit adultery and stay away from inappropriate physical contact from someone who isn’t your spouse- then nobody will accuse you of committing adultery. If you make the right oath about obeying God as your top priority, it is going to seem like you are loyal to the Lord, even if in your heart you have other loyalties that you are secretly keeping.

But all of this is just external appearances. Jesus is teaching us that there is more to it than just our appearances. Certainly, it is a good start to not commit the actual act of murder or adultery- even if you felt such temptations at one point or another. But keeping away from such serious offenses is only the start- not the whole of keeping a commandment.

A common thread in American Evangelical type churches is the belief that the gospel is intended for the lost, but not something Christians need to hear over and over again. There simply is not the emphasis that we hold in which the gospel comes to us on a regular basis as a gift from the Lord to give forgiveness and comfort to the believer day in and day out.

Instead, they believe that once you have heard the gospel and repented, then your role as a Christian is to live the part of a faithful Christian. You read the Bible and go to worship as a discipline and an accountability to continue succeeding in the life of righteousness, forsaking the quest of fulfilling your sinful desires.

By this way of thinking it is all or nothing- either you are a true Christian or you are a backslider who has fallen away and needs to be saved again.

You can find numerous life stories people have shared about how this quest of following the external model of appearances of righteousness can be destructive. Churches that see the role of Christians to stop sinning once they have received the gospel create the conditions for such attention on external righteousness. Do all the right things in life, look the part, and your life will go well. And when things do not go well a person might feel that it is because they have not followed the Lord well enough.

Unfortunately, this approach to faithful living leaves little room for receiving the forgiveness of Jesus in Word and Sacrament and in the gospel. Instead, the goal is to keep on striving to make your obedience to the Lord better in word and deed. The more you strive the more you expect the Lord will bless your life, and when something doesn’t work out, when a career fails or a marriage fails because of your faults, then you wonder what you have done wrong and whether you really have what it takes to follow Jesus as well as you should.

The life of seeking external appearances can lead to the crisis of faith, when you start to question how well your life appears. Which means instead of trusting in Jesus you have trusted in how well you have lived your life with the Lord’s help.

Knowing what is in man and knowing our foolish strivings to earn our salvation, Jesus breaks our attempt to live outwardly righteous. He shows us that in our heart we still sin and break all of the commandments. 

And yet he still loves us and forgives us, and gives us new hearts so that we can learn to live in righteousness at the heart level. He did this by putting his heart into our salvation, by paying for each and every one of the sins that come from our evil hearts by his own blood. His blood has paid for every promise we broke, every act of adultery, and every harsh word of hatred. He gives us the gift of declaring our corrupt hearts as pure and righteous before the Father.

This gift of faith we receive is not to show off to God or one another, but instead is given to us so that we would have true life in Him and that we would respond out of grateful thanksgiving for the salvation He gives to us.  A salvation he assures us of every day when we remember our baptism, remember that we are new creations in Christ.

The appointed verse for this morning comes from Ephesians chapter 5: “And walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.”  This is the true meaning of living in love. This is what we should be celebrating on valentines day, walking in love as a grateful response of God’s unconditional love to us that Jesus offered himself as a fragrant offering.

When we fix our eyes on this love, we are able to live in righteousness as the Lord designed for us.  We walk in love in response to what Jesus has done for us.

Without righteousness in our hearts we are not keeping any of the commandments- regardless of any outward appearances we might project. We are responsible for these failures- even as we are not able to keep them, we are still responsible. That is why Jesus says that we should first lose an eye or a hand than have our whole body thrown into Hell.

But of course, you cannot keep from sinning by getting rid of part of your body. Because it is really the heart where sin comes from- not the eye or the hand.  

 We need Jesus to give us new hearts, and indeed Christ gives us pure hearts.  Jesus sends the Holy Spirit to transform our hearts. “Create in me a clean heart O God and renew a right spirit within me.”

The sinful nature continues to sin, yet the new heart is able to love your neighbor, honor your spouse and treat others with honesty and integrity.  And no matter what kind of spiritual rut you find yourself in, Jesus offers you a new start, forgiveness, grace and favor through his blood shed for you.

Brothers and sisters in Christ, love yourself and love others with the new heart the Lord delights to give to you. Delight in the goodness of the Lord to you this day. Amen.

The Foolishness of God is the Church’s great wisdom

Brothers and sisters in Christ, how wise do you feel? How confident do you feel in your knowledge of how things in the world work and in your understanding of God’s Word?

How successful do you feel?  Do you ever feel like you are behind in the world, that you are basic and operating at an elementary level? Do you envy others out there who seem to be doing better than you?  For some it is hard to be truly confident in this world if you do not have years of experience in a field or the recognition of a PHD degree.  

We began our worship service with Psalm 1 which describes a contrast between the one who walks in the way of the Lord and the one who walks in the counsel of the wicked.  This familiar Psalm helps us to see that the difference in the world is not between those who do well for themselves and are blessed with talent and success and those who are not.

Instead, there is the choice whether to follow the wisdom of the world or the wisdom of God. We heard in our Epistle reading: 18 For the word of the cross is folly to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. 19 For it is written“I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and the discernment of the discerning I will thwart.” 

The wisdom of God is called folly by the world. People think it is foolish to trust in God for your well being, to put your trust in a God that you cannot see. People think it is foolish that God would send his Son to us to die on the cross.  People celebrate human wisdom and persecute those who do not bow down to it.

They persecute because the truth of God’s Word threatens them and makes them feel inferior. They pressure Christians in response to their insecurities, desiring to make Christians feel embarrassed and apologetic over the teaching of scripture and the wisdom of God.

But Paul celebrates this great power of God, that his wisdom which looks like foolishness to the world is the power of God that brings Salvation.  He says give me this foolishness of God any day of the week.

Looking at the world we live in, we see how often the wicked seem to prosper. We see how self assured people are who live by the values of our world and with scorn toward those values that come from God’s Word.

God promises that this wisdom will be destroyed. This wisdom will face the ultimate reality check when the Lord returns and the earth is destroyed.  The wisdom of the world cannot stand for even a moment against the judgement of the Lord.

Fortunately, we are not doomed to live by this fleeting wisdom. Our wisdom as God’s people is a wisdom that sees a bigger picture about how God’s kingdom always comes first, and how blessed we are to be a part of this kingdom.

Psalm 1 shows that the wisdom of God is built on a difference between the righteous man and the wicked. The righteous is learning and growing from God’s Word while the wicked scoff at God. Blessed is the man who walks in the Lord’s way, who meditates on His word day and night, who prospers in all that he does.

This is a way way that none of us can truly walk.  If we try and try with unrelentless commitment to reach this righteousness- we are only worshipping our obedience and our determination. However good our intentions, we fail to live in righteousness as bound as we are by our sinful nature with it’s selfish desires and motives.  

 Jesus alone is that righteous man of Psalm 1, he is the fulfillment of the Psalm. He alone is obedient to the Father’s will and without sin, he alone is free of the curse of original sin. He alone is blessed with a perfect union with the Father and the Holy Spirit.

 And he came to bring us to that restored communion with God. He brings us to this state of blessedness because he joins us to him, he leads us to walk in the way of righteousness by becoming our life. That is our wisdom that we choose over the world’s wisdom- to never lose sight that Jesus is our righteousness.

This is the wisdom to see that our glory is to humble ourselves and follow Jesus- not exalt ourselves. How foolish it is trying to build up your own reputation, when you would only be gaining something for the moment in this world. Instead the Lord leads us to seek treasure where moth and rust cannot destroy.

As we live by God’s wisdom we face persecutions and hardships that we would otherwise not have faced. And yet we are still blessed. The persecutions only serve to humble us and lead us to follow Jesus more purely.  

We face difficulty in our personal individual lives- but this does not mean we are cursed. The cross transforms difficulties into blessings, refines us through our trials through the wisdom of God. We are blessed because the cross is placed on us and with the cross we have the promises of life everlasting that the Son of God brings to us.

In our society we might think of someone who is blessed by how many friends or how much money is made, how long a life and how healthy and problem free.  But these are the world’s ideas of blessings.

How much greater than wealth that perishes and fame that fades are the blessings of God’s kingdom.

As God’s people, the church we enjoy fellowship with the body of Christ.  A fellowship where the mercy of Christ defines our relationships, not power. We live in a society where you are expected to always apologize and repent of your sins to the consensus of the world’s wisdom, and never receive forgiveness.

How much different is life in God’s kingdom where you will not be abandoned if you let people down or disappoint people one too many times. Instead through confession and absolution we have in the church a way to bring restoration to strained relationships, and every day a new start as new creations in Christ.

Jesus taught, blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. We are blessed as God’s people with a knowledge of the truth of what is good and right in life. We know what it means to walk the way of righteousness, we know that it is all about repenting of our own sins and finding in our Lord’s promises forgiveness and hope.  This knowledge of the way of salvation means that you can look at the world differently and not see everything around you as a temptation or as an annoyance to your own superiority. 

In contrast the life ruled by sin has a distorted view of the world in which you do not see your own sin, and in which you do not see God. Through the blessings of God’s kingdom, we are the pure in heart, and we can see God. We see God in receiving the gifts of the gospel in worship, where we are renewed and refreshed and live in hope.

We see God as we receive his body and blood for our salvation. We see God when the victory Christ has won for us gives us a confidence that we are one in Him, we are his own possession, wonderfully made, for His glory, and blessed beyond what we could ever imagine for ourselves.

There are indeed two ways to live in the world and two different wisdoms to live by. May the Lord always keep us wide unto salvation, even unto the day of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. 

Christ brings light to every dark place in our life

The guide on the cave tour gave the warning- it was about to get dark- real dark. Deep in a massive cave there was no way that natural light could make it into this part of the cave. Once the lights were switched off, the darkness was all encompassing. Nobody would dare move around much. I made sure I knew where my kids were and that my youngest was being held and would not wander off. After a while the darkness is hard to bear for some. The guide does not wait too long before turning the switches back on.

When the switches are turned back on and everyone can see again, all is well.  But what if the power to the cave goes out, where would we be then? Things would get interesting real quickly.  Can you really put that much trust in artificial light in a situation where there is so much darkness?

The truth is that you do not need to be deep in a national heritage cave in order to be surrounded by darkness.  There is plenty of darkness around us no matter where we are.  Even with the sun coming up every morning darkness abounds.  No man made lights can provide escape from this darkness, the darkness of sin and the spiritual death it brings.

Yet as God’s people we are not without hope, we are not without light. The season of Epiphany is all about appearing. The light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it. Unlike any artificial light, the light of Christ rescues us from the daily darkness of death for the endless light of eternal life. Darkness may encroach all around us, but it cannot bring us down.

The gospel of Matthew makes clear that Jesus has fulfilled the prophecy from Isaiah about light into darkness: 16 the people dwelling in darkness have seen a great light, and for those dwelling in the region and shadow of death, on them a light has dawned.”

What made Galilee a place of darkness? Was Galilee like our winter this year, just very cloudy all of the time? Like Seattle?  The tribes of Zebulun and Naphtali were on the very Northern edge of Israel and as such were more exposed to troubles from foreign nations. The area was called Galilee of the Gentiles because many people were transported there from foreign lands.

This means more influences from outside of Israel that potentially could distract from the knowledge of truth in God’s Word. Instead of relying on the light of truth of God’s Word, people were settling for the artificial lights of worshipping the innovations and achievements of man, and worshipping man made gods.

Jesus withdrew to this area of Galilee after John the Baptist’s arrest. And this is the area where Jesus grew up, where he lived before beginning his ministry at his baptism by John in the Jordan River.  Now in returning, Jesus is himself the living light seen by those in Galilee who live in darkness.

When you spend some time outdoors in the dark, the firelight of a campfire appears brilliantly bright.  You appreciate light when you are without it for a time.  This is the picture our reading from Isaiah paints, a people in darkness for too long a time, a people who have experienced the wages of sin in their lives firsthand have seen the great light of Jesus.

As we go through a winter that is so often cloudy and grey, it reminds me of the weariness that a sin filled world brings. You can plan fun things to do to make the winter more enjoyable, you can watch entertaining shows and stay warm with hot tea. But after a while there is no replacement for the Spring and Summer. In the same way there is no replacement for the light that God brings to our lives in Christ.

And Jesus also shines his light in our current culture of death. Yesterday was the annual march for life in Washington D.C. The overturning of Roe V. Wade was a great victory for life and has saved thousands of lives already. Yet it also brought forward into the light more clearly than ever the passion for which pro choice activists hold on to the culture of death.  

One lawsuit in the state of Indiana was filled and now Abortionist doctors in our state brag about how they have personally performed hundreds and thousands of abortions since Indiana first placed its restrictions on Abortions following the Supreme Court Dobbs Jackson ruling.  

While we wait for the courts to decide on the constitutionality of a law passed by our state to ban abortion, more babies are executed by chemical and physical precision strikes by abortion doctors.  

As tragic as these needless deaths are, it is perhaps just as tragic spiritually that millions of people in America celebrate abortion as an enlightened practice of compassion and love. They fool themselves into believing something good has happened because a woman has made a choice that will seemingly make her future less complicated by the difficulties of parenting.  

But this is not a good thing, it is an evil thing because a child was sacrificed on the altar of our culture’s beliefs that we are gods ourselves who are permitted to command death.

Our culture prizes self centered living and mocks those who insist that we must obey God’s commands.  So many people believe they have found a better light than the truth of God’s Word.

The internet today is full of all kinds of answers for things in the world. One popular website is called Quora, where people post questions and a group of experts answer their questions. The word quora comes from the word Quorum, as in a group of people reaching consensus. 

And that is how our society determines the truth. If a group of people think something, our society coronates this as truth. The sinful human nature thinks that if you just get enough people to hold a position apart from God’s Word, and then it is true because society has reached a consensus- how could God possibly object to our consensus we think!

And once a consensus is reached by our society, do you really want to be the one who raises his hand and begs to differ and face the onslaught of persecution?

It is hard to stand against the enlightenment of society. The beginning of Psalm 43 asks for the courage to speak the truth: Vindicate me, O God, and defend my cause
    against an ungodly people, from the deceitful and unjust man deliver me!
For you are the God in whom I take refuge; why have you rejected me?
Why do I go about mourning because of the oppression of the enemy?

Send out your light and your truth; let them lead me; let them bring me to your holy hill and to your dwelling!

Jesus has fulfilled this prayer and he sends us the light of truth. The truth is that God is with us, and God is for us all the way to the cross.   From this truth the God who is with us calls us to live without fear. With confidence Jesus promised to Peter and Andrew, “Follow me and I will make you fishers of men.”

Jesus’ kingdom is not a kingdom of consensus of human opinion like on the website Quora, and not a kingdom of earthly power like the other kingdoms of the earth. Instead, he brings to us a kingdom of real love that has the courage to call sin what it is, so that forgiveness can be real, and that love can be real.

It is a kingdom built on the truth of the Father’s love for the Son and Jesus’ love for the Father and all people in the Father’s creation- including us. This kingdom brings us past the slavery to the needs of the moment and toward a lasting future where we will be fully restored into God’s image, perfected in his likeness and living in a world where there is no darkness at all.  

His kingdom is one in which today our sins of seeking to be a light for ourselves are forgiven, today even our sins of trying to make good out of sacrificing a child are forgiven.

Jesus invites us to follow him with the same confidence that he will make us his own, and that he will lead us out of the darkness and through the darkness of our society.

Darkness no longer has the upper hand. We have no need of artificial light that yields futile results.  Jesus has come to push back the rod of the oppressor, to push back all the evil that the world inflicts on us.

His light continues, nobody can put a lid on this light, no matter how fiercely they rage. His gifts of life and salvation will continue to be preached from the pulpit and given in the Lord’s Supper.  We will continue to hear the truth that the body of Christ is broken for you, the blood of Christ shed for you. This is the true light that has come into the world, let us fix our eyes on Jesus, and concern ourselves with the darkness no more. Amen.   

Behold the great mystery of the very Lamb of God!

In the season of Advent when we most often hear from John the Baptist, he speaks a message of law and the call to repentance. We hear John speaking about Jesus as the one who is coming, and who John is not worthy to stand before.

Now here in the season of Epiphany we hear from John in a different way- we hear him proclaim the eternal gospel. John is no longer the last and greatest prophet testifying to the coming Messiah, he is now the first evangelist to testify to Jesus as the Son of God sent to save us from our sins:  Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!

Today we reflect on this message from John the Baptist, It is a truth we sing every Sunday as we prepare to receive the Lord’s Supper: Lamb of God, You take away the sin of the world, have mercy on us. And today we look at what it means for us that John understood that Jesus is himself the sacrificial lamb- one who fulfills the laws and sacrifices of the Old Testament.  We look to chapter 1 now:

John reports what he was privileged to see while baptizing Jesus the previous day- John saw the Spirit of God descending on Jesus and remaining with him. Now John sees Jesus walking toward him. John knows he is in the presence of the Son of God, and he knows what Jesus has come to do- to be our sacrificial lamb. John does not hold back in speaking the truth, he says everything God’s people need to know about Jesus all in one sentence: Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!

Another day passes. This time John has two of his disciples standing with him. Once again John sees the Lord walking nearby. John can now point them directly to Jesus. That is what John came to do, to point people away from him and toward Jesus. He speaks God’s Word directly to his disciples: Behold the lamb of God! 

After this the two disciples turn from following John in order to follow Jesus. One of these was Andrew the first Apostle, who soon invited his brother Peter to come and see Jesus. The disciples of John the Baptist were now the disciples of Jesus. Listening to John chapter 1 it seems like a sudden change to go from one master to follow to another, after one sentence spoken by John the Baptist.

But this is no last minute unplanned reckless change- this is God’s plan for these disciples and this was God’s plan for all of us that Jesus would have his first disciples follow him on that day after the command of John that the disciples should hear God’s Word from John and see before them in the person of Jesus- the lamb of God.

It was the Father’s design that Andrew and the other disciples of John the Baptist were drawn to follow him and await the coming of the Kingdom of God. For Andrew to switch from following John to Jesus was not a drastic change of purpose, like switching from being a Colts fan to a New England Patriots fan.

Instead, John’s disciples were listening to and learning from the greatest prophet sent from God born of woman. The switch from following John to Jesus means that they were actually listening to what John was saying, that they were ready to have the Messiah pointed out to them, they were ready to see the reign of God coming in the person of Jesus. 

The Lord prepared them through John, the Lord prepared them through all of the things they learned from their families in how to worship the Lord and keep his statutes, setting themselves apart from the nations by their daily life practices.

This is how the kingdom of God works in our lives as well, one foundation builds upon another in our faith so that we can follow Jesus.  When we start a new year, when we start a new chapter in life whether by our own choosing or what changes come in life on account of aging or losses- we start from our past foundation of faith.

We are never making new drastic changes in our life because the Lord Jesus is always at our side in all of the things we do, and he is leading us to grow through changes according to His plan.

When we as a congregation confess that we wish to follow Jesus no matter what the world says or does to us- then we are not making any drastic change in our faith- we are simply continuing in our role in God’s Kingdom as God’s obedient children that began in us when we were first baptized, which began in many of us in infancy.

Our congregation faces changes, our budget is tighter than in the past periods.  Some of our members are not able to attend anymore because of health reasons or other priorities in life. Yet God’s kingdom continues, with new opportunities for life in the Kingdom. In the midst of changes others will become part of our congregation and join us in the call to follow Jesus, to continue in the foundation the Lord has given us- to celebrate that he is for us as well the Lamb of God, who takes away our sins and the sins of the world.

After the disciples were pointed to Jesus and asked him where he is staying, He asks them to think through what they are doing and asks them: “What are you seeking?”

The disciples have been told that Jesus is the lamb of God, but they do not know exactly what this means yet. They know that a lamb is an animal used for sacrificial offerings for sin.  But a sacrificial lamb is for the sins of the family, and maybe even the people of Israel’s sins- but what lamb could pay for the sins of the whole world? They do not fully understand what they are seeking.

How could they know that God would provide a lamb once and for all for the sacrifice for sin? But not a lamb with a tail, hooves, and the beginnings of wool- but a man. A man who is the son of God.  A man who is both the sacrifice and the one who is worshiped, who the book of Revelation celebrates as the victorious lamb reigning on the throne!

And how can we understand this? How is it that we can worship and see it is not our own work of worship- but Jesus who saves us? That we are saved because of him, and what is important is not what we can make of our lives on our own, but how Jesus remakes our lives conformed to his image, how he makes us living sacrifices. 

By faith we see that our Savior, the lamb of God has called us to also die- to die to our sinful nature and die to getting just what our sinful nature wants.  He calls us to die to ourselves so that we can live in Him, so that his sacrifice makes us whole.  So that we see him not as someone we have let down or cannot live up to, or someone we take for granted, but as the Lamb of God who takes away our sins.

As the disciples follow Jesus further there are times where they clearly lose sight of who Jesus is. They seem unable to fully understand what John the Baptist first revealed to them. The uncertainties of life in our fallen world bring fears and trials that cloud the clarity of faith.  

When we find ourselves with a muddy view of our lives and the Lord’s purposes for us marked by discouragement, fears or doubts- may we be reminded of John’s clear testimony, to behold Jesus for who he is- our Savior, who was sent to take away our sins and give us life and salvation. Amen.

In the birth of Jesus the grace of God has appeared

Brothers and Sisters in Christ, it is important that we are here this evening. The  Christmas Eve service is the first vigil of the appearance of Jesus in the world that we celebrate on Christmas. Celebrating Christmas here in the church is of great importance as we focus on our faith reception of the amazing gospel truth that Jesus is born for us.

The world may celebrate Christmas in its own way, but to the world the birth of Jesus does not matter. Instead, the world focuses on the Christmas Spirit developed by stories, where love peace, generosity and caring are seen as what Christmas is all about.

  “Give the gift of love” -one department store advertised with a banner across the ceiling conveniently placed near the jewelry department.  To the world Christmas is clearly about giving and about Jesus in a footnote type of way.

Our Epistle reading tonight from 1Titus uses a different slogan about Christmas: “For the grace of God has appeared bringing salvation for all people.” This is a message well beyond generating sales figures or lifting up family togetherness. This is a message of the world changed through and through by the abundant gift of God’s grace in the Lord Jesus’ appearance among us in his birth at Bethlehem

St. Paul’s letter to Titus does not center the definition of Christmas on how we give to one another over the season of good cheer or what Christmas magic we can spread to our neighbors. Instead, the focus is on what God does for us in the birth of Jesus, and what his birth was for.

The birth of Jesus is of immeasurable significance because it brings salvation for all people.  Not just to the Jews or the very religious people, but for all people. “The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; those who dwelt in a land of deep darkness, on them light has shone”  Christ was born and Christ died on the cross so that all people could no longer walk in deep darkness, but could instead through God’s perfect wisdom, see the light of salvation in Christ.

Verse 12 continues: bringing salvation for all people, training us to renounce ungodliness and worldly passions and to live self controlled upright and godly lives in the present age,

The birth of Jesus is of tremendous significance in how we live our lives. Because of the birth of Jesus, ungodliness and worldly passions that the world approves of and celebrates, we chose not to celebrate- for we chose to worship God rather than man. We recognize that if we live according to the passions of the world, if we do not follow how Jesus trained us to live, then we would be acting as if Jesus’ birth is just an extra bonus about our lives that gives us the opportunity for a nice holiday once a year.

The scripture makes clear that the appearance of Jesus is not just a special birthday for us to celebrate, but the key to our salvation.

 “For unto you is born a Savior who is Christ the Lord, in the city of David!”

We receive the gift of a Savior who is the anointed one, who fulfills the scriptures, who is before all things , and in him all things hold together. Who is the head of the body, the church, who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, who is preeminent in everything, and in whom all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell.  

 The birth of Jesus is a gospel gift to us, yet we would be taking the gift for granted if it did not reach us with great thankfulness and gratitude and hope for the way we live our lives.  

The world goes on living with life priorities as if the Savior long promised of old, of the line of David was not born, as if God did not come to our world, as if the great light had not come to those who walked in darkness. When we immerse ourselves in God’s Word the things people find so important outside of worshipping our Savior appear so trivial and petty.  

Instead of rejoicing in the undoing of the curse of sin and paradise restored by the relationship with God restored as Adam and Eve were destined to have, people instead try to find in Christmas their own false idols to celebrate. 

Unbelievers seek to create paradise for themselves- but this is always temporary and fleeting and disappointing. The world says there is no time like the present to make your dreams come true. The best laid plans of man are always an insult to what God has planned for us through the riches of His kingdom.

We are called by God not to make things happen, but instead as our reading from Titus continues: “to wait for our blessed hope, the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ, who gave himself for us to redeem us from all lawlessness and to purify for himself a people for his own possession who are zealous for good works.”

We are called to worship and adore the God who gave himself for us to purify for himself a people for his own possession to do good works.  The birth of Jesus is of greatest importance to us because it purifies us to live as God designed.

The birth of Jesus was not so that we would be obligated to do good works in Jesus name. Our worship life as Christians is not about fulfilling obligations. Worship as obligation is the focus of the church down the road that will not meet tomorrow morning because they feel they have put their time in with their production of a worship service tonight.

We are here celebrating Christmas in church not out of obligation, but out of eagerness to receive the Lord’s gifts. And in receiving His gifts we respond in faith out of zealous desire for good works that comes from thanksgiving of all the Lord has done for us.

Tonight, we celebrate that the grace of God has appeared! We will continue singing and celebrating this great news. The grace of God has appeared, “unto us in a born in the city of David a Savior.”

This is a time not to fulfill obligations, but to be glad and to rejoice in what the Lord does for us: as we prayed in our Collect prayer. “O God, you make us glad with the yearly remembrance of the birth of your only begotten Son”  

And our joy is not just for the purpose of being happy and lighter than usual this time of year as an end in itself. Our gladness is a way to be vigilant and ready to behold Jesus when he returns to become our judge.

We are going to sing “Away in a Manger” yet tonight and “From Heaven Above to Earth I Come.”, and “Silent Night” to help us put our joy into flesh, to build memories of joy and celebration at what the Lord has done for us, and to prepare for the celebration of Christmas, and prepare us to wait in hope for the day when our Lord shall return, so that we may with sure confidence behold him when he comes to be our Judge.  Amen. 

A new name for God’s people

The four Sundays of Advent are here to prepare us for Christmas, to help us see why it matters so much that Jesus became man. This Sunday as we are at the brink of celebrating Christmas, we have heard the scripture speak about the birth of Jesus in our reading from Isaiah.  Today we are not trying to keep the Christmas story a secret until the 24th as part of our celebration of Advent.

Instead we are taking this time to ponder the concrete promise made to Joseph that Mary is to give birth to a son who is to be named Jesus because he will save his people from their sins. Today we are reminded that Jesus has come to lift the sins that weigh us down, so that we are not called cursed, but called loved perfectly by God. 

Before the Angel appeared to Joseph, can you imagine how confused he must have been? How difficult it must have been for Joseph to admit that something was not right, to acknowledge what his eyes saw, that Mary somehow without any apparent explanation was pregnant. Joseph faced the reality that his engagement to Mary had not gone according to plan, and all he could do was try and figure out how to divorce her quietly.

For all he knew, his legacy in life would never be the same, he was in the line of David, but instead of the inheritance of a king, his lot in life looked a lot more like failure. When the best he could imagine doing was quietly dismissing the woman he was to be married to, then really, nothing is right. It almost seems like Joseph was forsaken by the Lord. Joseph’s name means ‘he will increase’, as in the Lord will increase, but maybe all Joseph could see was how the Lord had increased his sorrow.

In the same way today, we can look at our own lives at some of the most glaring failures and unexpected losses in life and see much sorrow.  Nothing seems right when the darkness of sin clouds how we view ourselves. The world out there has a way of defining people, based on how you dress, who you fit in with, what name you make of yourself in the world defines how you see yourself.

You can look at yourself and ask, how successful am I really? What significance does my name even have in society? When you question yourself it is natural to question those around you as well.  People in your life can easily represent those who let you down in different ways. If you are not sure who you are and in what way you belong in the world- the world wants you to blame others. Just look at the news and you will see a lot of blame, it’s everyone else’s fault.

Joseph, could have blamed others, but he seems to have simply prayed about and wrestled with the problem at hand in his life. Then as he was considering these things an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream, and called him by his name: Joseph Son of David.  “Do not fear to take Mary as your wife, for that which is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit.” 

After hearing this amazing message, Joseph could now see that the Lord’s plans for him involved unique and unexpected challenges, but the challenges no longer resembled a curse from God.  Far from being cursed, Joseph now saw in this news of Mary’s pregnancy from the Holy Spirit- a sign that he was loved by God, he and his soon to be wife Mary.

A child from the Holy Spirit changes sorrow to joy, grief, to complete wonder. Without God in your life circumstances are so difficult, but with God all things are possible. The news of a child by the power of the Holy Spirit is news that God is present in our world, present in our sorrows. Because the Lord is present, we are people who are not abandoned or forsaken, but loved by God, people who belong, people whose names are written in the book of life.

When we become discouraged by what we feel the world says about us, God’s Word provides a reality check that we are God’s creation, we are not defined by the latest obsessions of our culture. The worth you have as an individual, your body, your spirit, your worth all comes from God’s work of salvation in your life.  

You may hear your name and think about failures or embarrassments or your personal limits, but God’s Word calls you not a failure, but loved by God, a new name from Your new creation in Christ.

God is present in our lives in tangible ways, through the beginning in the form of the waters of Holy Baptism, through the gifts of God’s Word teaching and leading you into truth. Each Lord’s day we are given a sign about God’s presence in our lives as Jesus is present in the bread and the wine with his body and his blood given for you.

If Joseph’s burden was unique to bear, with the dream from the angel- Joseph was now joined with many others from the past who had heard prophecies and promises of hope from the Lord. Like Abraham and Isaac, Jacob, and David, Joseph was hearing about the salvation the Lord prepares for us.

 Already in his life as a descendant of David Joseph knew the place he had as part of God’s people, a place to hope and wait on the Lord’s promises. And now with the message from the angel Joseph was given a very specific focus of hope, the child to be named Jesus.

With this calling to be the parents of the Lord Jesus, Joseph and Mary learn that their story of deliverance is connected now to the deliverance of every name under the sun. Beginning with the naming of Jesus their focus was not just on the well being of a baby, but on what this baby will do for the world.   

When you hear your name and you think of yourself as someone who is only a failure, then you can remember that there is another name that says so much more about your life than your own name. That name is Jesus.  This name of Jesus tells you a great deal about your life, it tells you that you live in a world where God has given the ultimate sign- a virgin conceived and bore a son. This is the sign that has come to our world, to show us there is a new covenant in place where God resides with man and the former things are no longer remembered.

One of the reasons why group therapy is often helpful is that it lets people see, “I am not alone in the problems I face.” This truth of not being alone may be experienced to a certain extent by people in group settings as details about life are shared with one another.

But nowhere do we experience more that we are not alone than in our recognizing the fact that Jesus took on our human nature, he joined with us in the sorrow of our sin so that we would know we are not alone and that we would know that Jesus not only shares our sorrow, but transforms it.

This is who Jesus is, the one in whom God’s saving work in centered.   God’s saving work is wrapped up in the name of Jesus- which means YHWH saves.   His name describes the purpose for which God’s Son took on human flesh.  His name matches with the name Immanuel because his name describes the action of God joining to us to save us.

After Jesus was born Joseph continued to trust in the Lord’s promises. He cared for Mary and as his beloved wife. And he gave Jesus his name just as we was instructed. In giving Jesus his name Joseph was going along with the Angel’s instruction,

Joseph was prepared that Jesus belonged to the world’s needs and not to the honor of his own name. Joseph knew that Jesus would grow not to make a proud name for his particular family, but instead a proud name for his Heavenly Father.

Our name and Joseph’s name are one in the same now, we are all called Christian, those who look to Christ for our salvation, those whose names are written in the book of life because of Jesus. Those who believe the promise by faith, and in believing live with an expectant hope that the Lord Jesus comes to us, even on this day. Amen.